Some of your Questions:

Q. Why is research needed to help with dementia?

In the UK alone there are approximately 850,000 people suffering from some form of dementia. By 2025 this is estimated to rise to 1 million people and to rise further to 2 million to 2051 (from Alzheimer’

There is still much we do not know about this condition and have many questions we need to answer to make sure we have the best treatments and diagnostic tools to help sufferers. Research into dementia will help to ensure that future sufferers can be diagnosed and are offered the best treatments for this condition.

Q. What if I don’t have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment?

If you do not have a diagnosis of either Alzheimer’s disease or mild mognitive impairment, please still send us a message if you are interested in helping with out research, as we are always happy to answer questions about our work and we always need more healthy volunteers to act as controls for our research.

Q. Will I be paid to take part in any research projects?

We will reimburse travel expenses and refreshments will be provided whilst you are here. Unfortunately we cannot offer any payment for the research we are completing at the present time.

Q. Will I get to see the final results of the research study?

If you wish we can send you the results of the study when we complete the entire study you are enrolled on and it is published in a medical journal.

Q. How long are the study visits?

Depending on the study, the visits can range from a few hours at the clinic long to a phone call to you at home.

For the study involving liraglutide (ELAD trial), these will roughly be once a month. At the start and end of the study, there will be an additional visit for an MRI and PET scan.

For the other studies, the visits tend to take place in the space of 2-3 weeks once screening has been completed. We will be happy yo go through with you the details of each study separately.

Q. What happens if I can’t make my appointment?

We can be quite flexible with dates, so if you cannot make an appointment and know in advance, just let us know and we can rearrange to suit you.

Q. What kind of tests are done at a screening visit?

At screening visits, we run a variety of tests to ensure that you are suitable for the study. We will do blood tests, urine tests, measure your blood pressure, height, weight and complete some neuropsychological questionnaires.

Q. What happens if I decide I do not want to complete the trial after starting it?

If you are screened for any trial, we will ask you to sign a consent form. If at any time you wish to withdraw from this trial, for whatever reason (or no reason at all) you can. This will in no way affect the care you receive.

Q. What happens after we get a message from you?

After you send a message to us, we will read your message and then get back in contact to explain the study and answer any questions you may have. We will then complete a telephone screening questionnaire.